Helping riders compete on top equine athletes that perform, recover & live to their greatest potential.
since 2006
I value my clients' investment into their horses’ lives. The products selected help to compliment and maintain the bodywork session. A focus on sourcing local and North American products along with premium quality and efficacy is a top priority. Every product has purpose in our shop- purpose in ingredients and usage.

“It has been a life long belief for me that true healing is holistic and encompasses every aspect of life that affects the body.”
Amy Montgomery
18 years of experience
As the founder of Willow Creek Equine, I believe that true healing is holistic and encompasses every aspect of life, as such I have built my practice on a foundation of education and hands on techniques including massage, acupressure, NeuroKinetic Therapy, light therapy, saddle fit, rider imbalance, and nutritional assessment.
Working with various disciplines in the horse industry and with values placed in yearly continuing education, sessions are a combination of modalities with a whole body approach to wellness that help to achieve optimum performance levels for all equine athletes.
From our Happy Customers
“Amy has been a huge supporter of Bug and I. She proudly sponsored me for the 2023-2024 Canadian College Rodeo season. She has done wonders with my horse Bug, helping relieve tension throughout his body. Her home care exercises are fantastic, easy to understand and do. Bug loves when Amy comes to visit. I am very happy with Bug’s progress with Amy. “
- Charlotte Fisher
“Amy Montgomery of Willow Creek Equine is a highly skilled professional. She is keenly aware of each individual horses’ needs and addresses them both onsite and through ongoing steps for owners to support their companions on a day to day basis. Have A Drink On Me (aka Buzz) is an 18 year old working cow horse who appreciates Amy’s’ abilities!
Many thanks Amy for the years of help!”
Buzz and Darlene